Terrific: Summertime. Summer is always chocked-full of blockbuster movies, the E3 expo, time off from school for kids (and teachers!), the French Open and Wimbledon (for my wifey!), and a wealth of opportunity to unwind, relax, and reconnect with family, friends, and the world. Summer is pretty terrific, and biologically, without it, we'd be living in a constant state of Vitamin D deficiency (which apparently most people do anyway, Vitamin D, Iron, and Calcium deficiencies are the most common in adults). And our plants would never be happy and green. In addition, without summertime, the world would be very cold, which wouldn't be so enjoyable, unless you live in Minnesota or Alaska, in which case, you're used to it already.
Terrible: The economy. It's bad. As gas prices escalate, so does the price of everything else, from food to kitschy nick-nacks at the local Dollar Tree (now the 'Everything's under 5.00 store'). Insurance rates have gone up, local, state and federal government continues to scavenge for ways to squeeze another trillion dollars from a thirteen-trillion dollar dried up turnip, and we're left to foot the bill. That's all pretty terrible.
[Shameless plug: Transfigured and Injected are both only $0.99 cents right now, on sale as part of the Spectacular Summer Sale. Also, 0.99 cents means we make nearly nothing on the books, so go get 'em, enjoy 'em out in the sunshine, and kill two birds with one stone!]
Thank goodness for the heat, right? Every 90+ degree day we have to complain about means one less day we're focused on the terrible economy... :)
To summarize: Summertime-good, Economy-bad.
Enjoy the ride!
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