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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Oh, Facebook! (woaa woaaaah)

In creating a multimedia social publishing platform in advance of my novel's completion dates (mid-May and August, 2011, respectively), I've created this handy-dandy blog.  Additionally, I've jumped into the world of Twitter, which I am learning, and created a Facebook Author page.

Some thoughts:

1) I have everything linked together, but not ALL together.  A good metaphor is how Nintendo could link to Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64, all through the same RF adapter, though the systems could not interact.  (Old school nerds will understand.)  I'm not much on the whole 'website building,' and although I can GET HTML to insert into a site, good ol' isn't user friendly with inserting HTML text.  And I'm kind of a dummy like that, too.

2) In order to get an actual username for my Facebook Author page, rather than the inconspicuous address: (rolls off the tongue, eh?), I need 25 "likes."  So, until then, I'll need to have business cards printed on scrolls to fit the entire FB page address on them.  SCROLLS!  LIKE THE BIBLE, when it was originally written!

In conclusion, three places to keep up with my authorly pursuits:
HERE, at The Chris West Blog!,
on TWITTER, @C_A_West, and,

Enjoy the ride!

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